Detailed project plans plus tracking tools, to be maintained throughout the life of the project

Task 71 Scientific coordination and progress management M1 M18 UMCU all Task 71 will involve 1 preparation of annual implementation plans 2 overall scientific coordination of research activities and monitoring of progress within WPs to ensure fulfilment of all project aims objectives and deliverables 3 supporting WP leaders integrating partners within their WP as well as ensuring smooth transfer of results between WPs 4 guidance of consortium compliance with ethics and research integrity requirements 5 installation of a Managing Board MB responsible for scientific review of WP reports scientific quality progress and results risk assessmentmanagement as well as fulfilment of deliverables and milestones 6 installation of an external Advisory Board AB that will be provided with a charter for its tasks and responsibilities invited to the kickoff and quarterly meetings and be asked to provide a review report to the MB in order to discuss and give feedback on the scientific progress and problems that may arise during the COVIDRED 7 handling of any kind of fraud unethical behavior and breach of procedures and together with the coordinator and General Assembly GAM propose corrective actions to the MB