TASK 72 Communication management M1M18 UMCU allThe COVIDRED consortium will use various communication activities to promote the outcomes and results of the project and ultimately support the overall project goals During the grant agreement phase as well as during the first 6 months of the project the COVIDRED consortium UMCU will take the lead will further specify the most suitable communication activities including timelines To ensure effective communication COVIDRED will enact the following communication strategies I Internal quarterly project meetings regular teleconferences to report on project progress circulation of project reports and deliverables for revision among partners internal sharing of results and protocols foster integration of SMEs and links to academic and EFPIA partnersII External publication of results in highimpact peerreviewed journals granting open access of the results after all IP protection measures have been taken into account oral or poster presentations at international conferences and local events collaboration with other relevant European projects to maximize the impact of EU funded research reach out to scientific societies educational institutions and patient organizations invitation of scientific and clinical stakeholders such as patient organizations and scientific societies to participate in the consortium quarterly meetings and engage in discussion with the partners organization of specific activities such as specialized workshops to discuss relevant issues especially realworld implementation In addition we will build a project website
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