Report with description of the functionality of the knowledge

Task 5.2 Developing an EU centralised open access digital knowledge bank (M6- 60) (LAREB, Sanofi SCC, ENTIS, ORC, the Synergist, EIWH, NVS, AbbVie, UCB, Pfizer) Rationale: By creating an EU centralised digital knowledge bank providing timely and high-quality general information and summary and interpretation of scientific research in literature and of data collected (from WP1 and WP2) this task will contribute to more harmonised and reliable evidence dissemination for the general public, pregnant or breastfeeding women and HCPs. Official labelling information will also be available in the knowledge bank. Members of ENTIS already have their own systems for keeping up to date knowledge of high quality. Some centres have a national knowledge bank, and some also available on their website. A common model to share the safety information they have collected is not yet in place. At this moment each country collects and interprets the scientific data themselves. By joining forces and introducing work-sharing betwee