Roadmap of planned project outputs, including qualification advice submissions, mapped to stakeholder needs and planned stakeholder interactions

Task 6.1: Understand stakeholder needs and perceptions and align with project outcomes (M1 – M12) (i~HD, EMA, MHRA, EFGCP, Synergist, KUL, EIWH, FERR, NVS, Takeda, JAN). In this task WP6 will act as a facilitator and coordinator, working with Work Package leaders to gather insights from key stakeholders (regulatory, HCPs, women and patients, maternal health foundations, charities, etc.) on their needs and perceptions, to help achieve project goals and deliver maximum possible value and impact to target audiences. The outputs from task 6.1 will feed into all other work packages. The first step is to determine what input is needed from stakeholders. A stakeholder landscape analysis will be conducted as a resource to the consortium. A variety of tools will be used to gather input from stakeholders, including literature reviews, surveys, interviews, focus groups, and digital tools (e.g. social media outreach, digital listening tools), and to build ongoing dialogue with stakeholders. This task will seek to und