Report on information, privacy and research governance for WP1-5

Task 7.2: Definition governance framework for responsible re-use of data (M3-M12) (i~HD, UMCU, UPPS, EFCGP, EIWH, KI, GSK, JAN, SANOFI). The objective of this task is to ensure, and assure, data access providers and research users that data and samples are treated in full compliance to the GDPR (for personal data), the IMI Secondary Use Code and other codes of practice that protect the privacy of data subjects (especially EHR4CR, EMIF, i~HD and BBMRI-ERIC), that research is conducted in ways that accord with codes of conduct from ENCePP and the ethics policies of ELIXIR, as well as other relevant standards. In achieving this, the partners involved in this task will reuse these existing instruments – some of which they have themselves developed in other initiatives – and carefully combine these and fill any gaps that are relevant to the project, while including the results from task 7.1. We will describe the procedures for a common trusted data management and research ecosystem. The main elements of such