Report on communication activities month 12The main objective of the communication activities is to create awareness around scope covered by the InnoInvest project and make it attractive for the other innovation agencies and their clientsCommunication will be carried out through a number of planned activities and instruments proportionate to the scale of the project and tailored to the target audience The communication plan involves the use of the following tools and channels The first step is to gather the content regarding projects goals and activities having collected the needed information all the partners will communicate the project idea and context on their websites social media and other available platforms To maintain the attention and to communicate on regular basis partners and stakeholders and the innovation networks social media blogs websites will be involved All partners will provide Social Media channels websites facebook twitter linkedin and their participation in European organisations such as Enterprise Europe Network IASP EBN EURADA BASTIC to disseminate the going project and their results and also is capable to organize multiplier events to share with regional organizations and other innovation agents the lessons learnt from the project At the end of the project there will be press releases regarding the project outcomes Design Option Paper in order to make them more popular among the authorities SMEs innovation agencies
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