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Authors: Veronica Jimenez, Claudia Jambrina, Estefania Casana, Victor Sacristan, Sergio Muñoz, Sara Darriba, Jordi Rodó, Cristina Mallol, Miquel Garcia, Xavier León, Sara Marcó, Albert Ribera, Ivet Elias, Alba Casellas, Ignasi Grass, Gemma Elias, Tura Ferré, Sandra Motas, Sylvie Franckhauser, Francisca Mulero, Marc Navarro, Virginia Haurigot, Jesus Ruberte, Fatima Bosch
Journal title: EMBO Molecular Medicine
Journal number: 10/8
Journal publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Published year: 2018
Published pages: e8791
DOI identifier: 10.15252/emmm.201708791
ISSN: 1757-4676