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Authors: Elena Huerta-Ramos, Maria Soledad Escobar-Villegas, Katya Rubinstein, Zsolt Szabolcs Unoka, Eva Grasa, Margarita Hospedales, Erika Jääskeläinen, Elena Rubio-Abadal, Asaf Caspi, István Bitter, Jesus Berdun, Jussi Seppälä, Susana Ochoa, Kata Fazekas, Iluminada Corripio, Judith Usall
Journal title: JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Journal number: 4/3
Journal publisher: JMIR Publications
Published year: 2016
Published pages: e112
DOI identifier: 10.2196/mhealth.5716
ISSN: 2291-5222