Results disseminated: Submitted article to an international journal on the costs and benefits of the treatments, made final results available online, co-organised conference to disseminate results

1 Wider social and economic costs and benefits of the treatments analysed in costbenefit modelIn order to quantify not only the medical impact of the treatments but also their wider social and economic costs and benefits we will perform a costbenefit analysis of the interventions These benefits include reduced need for long term care reduced health care spending and will be estimated using the average costs of these services in the different countries Based on both the medical and social costs and benefits we will calculate the net benefit of the treatment using a Markov model approach Finally we will quantify the uncertainty using probabilistic sensitivity analysis derive the probability that the interventions will be profitable at different thresholds acceptability curves and identify the most important factors driving the results2 Submitted article to an international journal on the costs and benefits of the treatments3 Final results made available on the web4 Coorganized a conference to disseminate the results to policymakers and commercial interests