Included, treated and evaluated 136 patients in GAB-ALD

1 Patients identified from GALAALD with established liver disease based on liver histology fibrosis degree F03 The study will include both ongoing alcohol abusers and nondrinkers to elucidate the impact of alcohol on the microbiome2 Onehundredthirty six patients included in GABALD Collect informed consent After consent patients will be randomised in a doubleblind manner Randomisation stratifies according to drinking status and degree of fibrosis After randomisation all investigations will be performed as described in 12 except liver biopsyPatients treated followed and evaluated at endoftreatment Treat with Rifaximin or placebo The tablets are provided by Norgine Patients are investigated at day 0 and seen again at month 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 and 18 A project nurse registers compliance sideeffects alcohol use and adverse events Undertake endoftreatment investigations All investigations will be performed as described in 12 including a liver biopsy