First batch of Practice abstracts for end-users on alternative approaches to disease and insect control in crop plants, parasite control in sheep, benefits of recycling fertilizers and vitamins for organic livestock production

"The resulting innovative knowledge and easy accessible end-user material from this project will feed into the EIP-AGRI (The agricultural European Innovation Partnership) website for broad dissemination. The end-user material to be produced contains a substantial number of summaries for practitioners in the EIP common format (""practice abstracts""), including the characteristics of the project (e.g. contact details of partners, etc). A full package of practice abstracts will be produced by the project, containing all the outcomes/recommendations which are ready for practice. A ""practice abstract"" is a short summary of around 1000-1500 characters (word count – no spaces; see below) which describes the main information/recommendation/practice that can serve the end-users in their daily practice. Guidance and templates for these practice abstracts are available on the EIP-AGRI web site: A total target number of 25 practice abstracts is foreseen for the project. Ten of them are expected to be delivered in the first batch. Lead: IFOAM-EU; Partners involved: FiBL, ITAB, OMKI, Soil Association*, ECOVALIA*, FederBio*, ÖON*, FOA Bioselena*, EOFF*, Bioforum*, Naturland*, OKOLOGISK LANDSFORENING* *Linked parties to IFOAM-EU"