Video to promote organic seed use (T1.2)

A short promotion video will be developed by BIONEXT and IFOAM EU in which farmers from different member states explain why they use organic seed. The price difference to conventional seed and the reduced choice of cultivars work as disincentives for farmers to use organic seed. Reasons for farmers to use organic seed are the fact that they want to produce a 100% organic product (from seed to fork), to live up to consumer expectations, or because the seed is from an organic cultivar and has an added value. Additional incentives could for instance be a bonus for using organic seed, a clear demand from label organisations, traders, wholesalers or consumers and a level playing field across EU Member States. Pilot studies will be set up by BIONEXT and IFOAM EU with partners (ORC, ÖMKI, LBI, SEAE) and stakeholders in UK, HU, NL and ES to test the effect of the different incentives in different crops, value chains and countries. Baseline interviews will be conducted and the effect of the pilots on the organic seed use and on the motivation of the stakeholders to use organic seed will be measured.