Overview of the organisational models of cultivar trials for organic agriculture in some key EU countries

A report describing and analysing the status quo of different organic variety trials for pre- and post-registration as well as VCU testing across 15 EU countries (for arable, vegetable and fruit crops), presented through 4 main criteria (trial setup, organizational model, dissemination of results and financial model). Additional SWOT analysis will give better understanding of pros and cons of the different systems and show necessary infrastructure for different models. These analyses will serve as a base for the development of guidelines i) for on-farm trial models that are low budget, with alternative financing and new infrastructures (D2.3) and ii) for adjusted protocols for organic DUS and VCU testing (D2.4). This Deliverable D2.1 includes former M 2.7 (MS17) “Overview of existing organic VCU protocols in EU and SWOT analysis”. Milestone 2.7 therefore was deleted.