Public perception of bio-based products

A report identifying the public awareness of the socio-economic and environmental benefits of bio-based products. Public awareness of the socio-economic and environmental benefits of bio-based products is a key factor for a sustainable bioeconomy. Therefore, complementing the activities under Task 2.1, the aim of this Task is to analyse the public opinion regarding bio-based products (the end-customers’ perspective). This will be achieved through a review of relevant past studies and reports but mainly through an EU-wide internet-based survey during the first phase of the project targeting citizens (i.e. end-customers of bio-based products) as well as Civil Society Organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations, citizens associations and regional/local communities to collect insights on (indicatively): - Their level of awareness and acceptance of bio-based products; - Their societal needs and concerns; - Their perceived benefits and implications from the use of bio-based products; - Their level and reasons of engagement in a bioeconomy as well as their reasons as well as the barriers inhibiting their engagement; and - The ways of their involvement in a bioeconomy as well as ways that they would like to be involved. The design of the survey will ensure that its implementation is feasible within the given timeframe of this Task while producing reliable results. A structured questionnaire will be developed from the early stages and discussed amongst the BIOWAYS partners as well as with key actors identified under Task 2.1. The final version of the questionnaire will be coded and uploaded using a professional on-line survey tool (e.g. SurveyMonkey) so as to launch the on-line survey. The distribution of the questionnaire will be realised through the networks of BIOWAYS partners, as well as by exploiting the full potential of social media (i.e. the project and individual partners’ social pages and networks) to considerably enhance the rate of the participation. Special attention will be given to ensure a representative sample of the targeted groups so as to adequately address all 5 Value Chains across Europe. Q-PLAN will lead the desk-top research of relevant, recent studies and reports, develop the questionnaire for the on-line survey and upload the on-line tool for the survey. All partners will actively contribute in fine-tuning the questionnaire, as well as in the collection of information and promotion of the survey through their networks and contacts. The findings of the survey will be summarised in the first version of the report “Public perception of bio-based products – societal needs and concerns” to be prepared by M8. The results of the analysis at the beginning will assist partners in fine-tuning their communication strategy and adjusting the information/training material and activities to increase public awareness and acceptance of bio-based products. Furthermore, the knowledge gained under this Task will form the base of the discussions during the activities of Task 4.2. To measure the impact of the project activities in enhancing public perception on bio-based products, a 2nd round of the on-line survey will be launched during the last phase of the project. The aim is to feed with updated information the development of the recommendations and the identification of best practices (T5.3). the findings of this 2nd round of the survey will be summarised in the 2nd version of the report “Public perception of bio-based products – societal needs and concerns (updated version)” to be prepared by M22.