Task 5.3: Management of promotional material and scientific publications (IRTA, M1-M36) (yearly draft and final M12, M24, M36)
Promotional material such as leaflets, posters, brochures, folders, newsletters and press-releases will be produced to inform the general public on project activities. A project identity (logo and associated colour scheme etc) will be designed for promotional tools.
The distribution of such materials in events dedicated to SME-AG associates, food equipment producers, food and beverages manufacturers, will draw their attention towards the project activities and will interest these stakeholders in the consortium dissemination activities, promoting the knowledge take-up and technology implementation of their respective SMEs.
Material may be translated by the partners themselves based on the approved English version. The partners will be actively involved in content generation for promotional material and dissemination.
Electronic newsletters will be sent every 6 months to the members and communication channels of some of the partners reaching a large number of stakeholders. Newsletter will also be posted on the project and individual partners’ websites.
Promotional videos (one per technology) will be prepared and disseminated to different channels: YouTube, partners’ websites, industrial associations’ websites, booths on food technology fairs, ...
Partners may present their research results at specific and popular science conferences, science days etc. and submit for publication in scientific journals in the food science & technology field worldwide, once it is clarified that sensitive IP (e.g. with patent potential) will not be prematurely disclosed.
Partners involved: IRTA, ISI, DIL, FBR, SPE, ELE, HOG, DMK, FC, ENTEX
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