Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 Circulation and Diversity through Community Wastewater Sequencing, the Netherlands and Belgium


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Authors: Ray Izquierdo-Lara, Goffe Elsinga, Leo Heijnen, Bas B. Oude Munnink, Claudia M.E. Schapendonk, David Nieuwenhuijse, Matthijs Kon, Lu Lu, Frank M. Aarestrup, Samantha Lycett, Gertjan Medema, Marion P.G. Koopmans, Miranda de Graaf

Journal title: Emerging Infectious Diseases

Journal number: 27/5

Journal publisher: US National Center for Infectious Diseases

Published year: 2021

Published pages: 1405-1415

DOI identifier: 10.3201/eid2705.204410

ISSN: 1080-6040