Whole genome sequencing data used for surveillance of Campylobacter infections: detection of a large continuous outbreak, Denmark, 2019


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Authors: Katrine Grimstrup Joensen Statens Serum Institut, Department of Bacteria, Parasites and Fungi, Copenhagen, Denmark ; Susanne Schjørring; Mette Rørbæk Gantzhorn; Camilla Thougaard Vester; Hans Linde Nielsen; Jørgen Harald Engberg; Hanne Marie Holt; Steen Ethelberg; Luise Müller; Gudrun Sandø; Eva Møller Nielsen

Journal title: Eurosurveilance

Journal publisher: ECDC

Published year: 2021

DOI identifier: 10.2807/1560-7917.es.2021.26.22.2001396

ISSN: 1560-7917