FMM descriptions (in report form)

The case study areas are chosen for their nationally representative coverage of FMMs and associated data availability and are therefore highly suited for the identification and description of different relevant FMMs. The descriptions cover the way the FMMs are applied in the respective regions, the resources they require (knowledge, different inputs, technologies and labour), the variations that may exist, particular vulnerabilities, risks or shortcomings. This account also forms an essential part of the technology landscape description. The FMMs will be described with respect to the following five ES in each case: biodiversity, carbon sequestration, water quality, biomass production and recreation. Additional case-specific ES will be described for FMMs that depend on both their relevance to regional circumstances (case study areas) and actors, as clarified in WP4. The ES descriptions are provided for the stand level meaning that the models connect the state of the stand or the management action taken in the stand with the ES values provided. The work on the detailed FMM descriptions will be guided by the harmonized ontology developed in T1.1. FMM descriptions will be elaborated by case research teams, assisted by central experts in silviculture and ES assessment. Input from forestry practitioners will be especially valuable for describing the current technology landscapes. WP1 leader will be in charge of producing a cross-case synthesis report. The descriptions will feed into the landscape projections in WP3 and to the workshops in WP4.