New FMMs in a landscape perspective: Innovation needs and gains in ES provisioning

The landscape projections rest on a range of inputs regarding growth and yield, forest owner/manager application of FMM and ES outcomes. Safeguarding the scientific standards of FMM alternatives is highly important. The focus will be on discriminating between empirically justified results on the one hand, and unavoidable uncertainties regarding some aspects of FMMs on the other. Therefore processes of internal and external peer assessments will be organized. Actors doing the assessment will be the members of ALTERFOR Scientific Advisory Board, different national researchers who are external to the project, as well as ALTERFOR researchers. WP3 will organize an open workshop to jointly assess the quality of scientific evidence underlying the different FMM alternatives considered. The result of the open workshop as well as the workshop Round 2 in WP4 will most likely call for modification in preparation of the final landscape level simulations. This phase involves non-academic partners and will allow for the refinement of stand and landscape level FMMs. The final landscape analyses will be documented in a report. The results of which will feed into subsequent tasks of WP4 (building the capacities and the roadmap for FMM implementation).