Road map for implementing innovative FMMs in Europe

The potential of the project reaches further than just designing new FMM alternatives and supportive networks on all levels of politics, society and economy. The procedure developed and empirically tested by the project provides a role model for how research and practice can collaborate in designing and implementing improved FMM alternatives in the future. WP4 will synthesize the experiences from the other WPs 1-5 into a road map for the implementation of innovative FMM alternatives in Europe. Main elements of the road map are (1) Systematics of FMMs, (2) Methods of ES assessment, (3) Models at a landscape level, (4) Global models, (5) Methods for multi-stakeholder integration, (6) Tailoring the implementation of innovative FMMs. The RIU Model defines clearly that the steps (1) to (4) have to follow scientific methods and standards whereas step (5) links selected scientific results with policy goals and the interests of actors. The road map will provide information at different levels. Basic information about the scientific elements (1) to (4) will be complemented by information about feasible theories and modelling approaches. Additionally, links to scientific institutions and sources that could help in specific cases are shown in the road map. Finally, the last chapter demonstrates how actors in the field can tailor the implementation of innovative FMMs by making maximum use of both scientific knowledge, and the support of targeted policies that can transform their interests and potentials into action. An appendix will indicate relevant actors at all levels from the local to the global. Compiled by the WP4 coordinators, the road map will be actively distributed via WP5 and by the Europe-wide networks of forest associations, with the help of the non-academic partners of ALTERFOR. The road map provides a scientific basis that could be used by the EU institutions to improve silviculture in the forests all over Europe. Based on the road map, WP4 will contribute to the synthesis report with the main results regarding building implementation capacities and optimizing the transfer of scientific knowledge relevant to the implementation of FMMs.