Demonstration sites documented

To increase the awareness of how different FMMs affect the state of the forest, FMM demonstration sites within the case study areas will be established for educational purposes by the case study teams, coordinated with WP4 and supported by WP5 in terms of communication of specific activities dealing with stakeholders. The demonstration sites will include both stands where current and where alternative FMMs are applied. They will be designed to give the visitor a view of the environmental and silvicultural effects created by different FMMs, and to be able to compare them stand wise. In some case study areas, stands managed by alternative FMMs are not present initially. Therefore, in suitable stands, silvicultural measures will be applied and the transition from a current to an alternative FMM will be made visual. Due to the changes over time, this transition will also include the long-term effects of the conversions from one FMM to another (beyond the duration of the project). The demonstration sites will also act as a base when developing the guidelines in T.1.4 to achieve synergies between the two tools for FMM implementation.