JPI HDHL guideline on academia – industry collaboration in JPI HDHL

This deliverable is a concrete output of task 3.4. The guideline will be developed based on the input gathered through 3 to 4 workshops that will be organised during the course of the CSA. These workshops bring together industry, scientist and other relevant parties in order to gather more inside in the chances and barriers of public-private collaboration in the different phases of the value chain within the area of nutrition and health. Products and knowledge developed by related initiatives (e.g. other JPIs/ERA-Nets) and umbrella projects (e.g. ERALEAN 2020) will also be taken into account. The guideline should provide recommendations to strengthen collaboration within the scope of JPI HDHL both on the level of project consortia (e.g. on IPR and impact) as on the level of funding organisations (e.g. funding measures/activities to stimulate public/private collaboration).