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Authors: Kenchington, E.; Callery, O.; Davidson, F.; Grehan, A.; Morato, T.; Appiott, J.; Davis, A.; Dunstan, P.; Du Preez, C.; Finney, J.; González-Irusta, J. M.; Howell, K.; Knudby, A.; Lacharité, M.; Lee, J; Murillo, F. J.; Beazley, L.; Roberts, J. M.; Roberts, M.; Rooper, C.; Rowden, A.; Rubidge, E.; Rowden, A.; Stanley, R.; Stirling, D.; Tanaka, K. R.; Vanhatalo, J.; Weigel, B.; Woolley, S; Yesson,
Journal title: Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3296
Journal publisher: Ocean and Ecosystem Sciences Division Maritimes Region Fisheries and Oceans
Published year: 2019
DOI identifier: 10.5281/zenodo.2583828
ISBN: 978-0-660-29721-7