Web pages, scientific publications, presentations and other communication activities, including seminars, workshops and formation actions

Web pages on different servers either institutional or on private domains showing the project objectives and main results will also provide links to the OA publications and other deliverable produced Other communication tools inlcude web pages social networks initiatives YouTube videos and other internet resources aiming at different targets and written in different languages The deliverable includes at least ten open access papers published or submitted to advanced scientific journals with impact factor and a broad international audience and ten presentations given at international congresses Multilingual dissemination leaflets with other print material in local languages will target farmers and local producers in SSA and Caribbean will be produced to increase their awareness on the Projects results and possibilities arising from the acquired knowledge on new varieties methods and IPM approaches The seminars will aim at the dissemination of the major achievements and will consider invited speakers as well as researchers directly involved in the project Two regional project seminars will be held in Canary Islands I year and SSA II year Two Project workshops on scientific results will aim at the dissemination of the major MUSA achievements in terms of scientific content for communication and dissemination in academic or higher education levels They will consider invited speakers as well as researchers directly involved in the project A third regional seminar with stakeholders for SSA for results demonstration will be held at IITA Nigeria with local stakeholders and farmer organizations Training throughresearch activities will be carried out in the laboratories of CSIC CNR that will host SARI CENSA and IITA personnel They will start in the first semester of theProject and be completed in the year following the Project completion