Documentation of social media or extra newsletter

Existing social media platforms will be used to disseminate project results on a regular basis. While Twitter and LinkedIn are widely used in western European countries, in the Central and Eastern Europe it is rarely used. It is therefore important to accommodate the different preferences in each partner country while communicating to the whole European community. A content calendar will be created at the start of the project with each partner identifying the most relevant social media channels (monthly postings) as well as existing company channels. The measurement of these activities will also be defined at the start of the project and a record will be kept within the internal reporting tool before each project meeting. Within the communication strategy (Task 6.3) partners will choose one of - Countries with high dissemination potential through social media will participate in the social media strategy implementation (monitoring quantitatively and qualitatively the efforts and successes). EEVS will establish and maintain a social media webpage(s) (e.g. linkedin and twitter) (decision to be taken in T6.3). - Countries where social media are not effective will promote the project among the national target groups will prepare additional three newsletters with 2 pages, to be disseminated via email. The social media activities and extra newsletters will be documented within D6.5 Documentation of social media or extra newsletter (M36).