Meetings will be recorded through D5.2 National promotion team minutes (M32) in national languages. These national promotion teams aim to initiate necessary processes and strategies for the introduction of national certification frameworks. Each team will ensure a long-term market uptake of a suitable quality assurance scheme. The teams will seek a broad consensus among their national markets and decide on the suitable business model to be applied, implementation strategy, process rationale, marketing, partnerships, management structure and risk management. These are key elements for an effective business case (Task 5.4).
A national promotion team consists of a small group of key national stakeholders (the project partner as promoter + e.g. EES associations, certification bodies, public authorities, FIs, standardisation experts), which may have already been identified by project partners (see LOS, e.g. TÜV in the UK and LV). Members of the NPT will be involved in the application of quality criteria and capacity building (WP4) and push the national discussion platform (Task 5.3) in order to extract lessons for the institutionalisation of national certification frameworks.
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