Minutes on capacity building in nonpartner countries

6 additional nonpartner countries will be trained in order to start a discussion process about the certification of energy efficiency services. Nonpartner countries are France, Italy, Romania, Portugal, Serbia and Macedonia. Already 4 LOIs have been obtained from well-established local institutions. Following capacity building activities will be undertaken in each nonpartner country: - 1 Public workshop to present and discuss WP3 outcomes and business models of quality assurance (WP5). The number of attendees will vary according to the size of the EES market (25 – 50 attendees); - 1 Exclusive workshop focused on key stakeholders who are able to implement the criteria and schemes and are capable to push the development of national standards. The QualitEE team will advise on how quality criteria could be implemented (about 10 attendees). The respective stakeholder in the nonpartner country (e.g. ESP associations or standardisation institutes) will organise the workshops, provide all logistics (rooms, catering) and invite market actors. Two QualitEE project partners are on site for each workshop and provide expertise, hold presentations and discuss with the audience. Both workshops together will last for 1-1.5 days per nonpartner country. The workshops will be documented within D4.8 Minutes on capacity building in nonpartner countries (M34). Additionally, the respective QualitEE partners will provide advice (online meetings) to nonpartner countries in case of demand. Also nonpartners will distribute newsletters and press releases to their markets.