inteGRIDy Stakeholders and Market Needs Report

A thorough review on the needs of all stakeholders and Market that are part of the inteGRIDy ecosystem in general in the beginning of the project will be performed. T1.2 will collect needs coming from the identified target groups, organizing also an International Conference (IC1) (M4, more than 100 targeted stakeholders around Europe). Different stakeholders will be invited to take part in the process, including residential customers/prosumers and high-level non-residential active users, along with services to market stakeholders (DSOs, TSOs, Aggregators and Retailers), grid and market experts as well as experts from international authorities, regulation and standards groups and representative of national and local public bodies. Discussions will evolve based on the preliminary list of Use Cases, whereas feedback will be triggered concerning the review and prioritization of the Use Cases along with issues that need to be taken into account for the replicability of the solutions. An on-line survey and intervie