Framework for Community Grid Implementation

This report details the protocols for community grids and the creation of the Community System Operator (CSO) and the required associated licence, regulatory parameters and potential legal structures of a CSO. The available choices will be implemented in the DST developed in WP1, so that communities can make an informed decision of the form most suitable for them. Additionally, the report will outline ‘smart’ contracts for local energy and flexibility marketplaces, the supervision of delivery on the contracts, and ex-post settlement, integration of the IOTA platform, automated trading strategies for the market places to be used by prosumers, open APIs to support an open market for trading strategies on different platforms. Finally, this report will also describe how a Distribution System Operator (DSO) implements an oversight role and how a mutual beneficial relationship between the DSO and one or more local CSOs could be developed, technically and commercially (connected to Task 2.3).