Production of training manual and Technical brochure (in English and in national languages)

The content/chapters of the training manual will derive from the previous WPs conclusions and deliverables, and will be approved by the Project Specific Committee in order to respect the IPR issues stipulated in the consortium agreement. The training manual will also include: short movies, virtual reality animations and interactive learning methods (quiz-es). The manual will keep a reasonable dimension (maximum 250 pages). The training manual will be created in the English language, electronic version. The final linguistic verification will be provided by SLR (the only English native speaking partner). The manual will be than translated in different national languages in the last year of the project. A special “Project Case Studies Guidebook” will be devoted to the application to Historical Building. It will be elaborated in English, electronic format, by RGS and translated in French and Italian by national partners from Italy and France.