10 regional visions for sustainable energy future. (approximately 20 pages, optional in EN).

PANEL partners working with their regional roadmap teams will work towards developing long term energy visions based upon the methodology described in task 3.4. Key to the visioning process is obtaining feedback and input from as wide a range of primary, secondary and tertiary stakeholders as possible. Thus, a range of different methods will be used to solicit input: • Regional Roadmap Meetings, made up of stakeholders who have been identified as forerunners and provided the full range of training will be convened to discuss the relevant themes from task 3.4 such as Government and the role of state, the presence and possibility of skills shortages, the levels of consumer/citizen acceptance, etc. • Focus groups will be held with specific stakeholder groups to discuss issues relveant to them. For example, a focus group of citizens would discuss the topic from the point of view of non-affiliated consumers. • Expert Interviews for certain stakeholders, such as government officials, individual interviews would probably be more appropriate than focus groups. These will be used especially for reaching stakeholders who have not participated in other project activites (i.e. training from WP2 or participation in the knowledge network described in WP 5) especially stakeholders from outside of the region who still can have an impact, such as repressentatives of state ministries.