Insulated core of dynamic 72.5 kV cable for aging testing

Deliverable D.3.3 refers to Task 3.2 / “Cable core conductor innovations” and involves the production of a 66 kV XLPE length of insulated cable core with aluminium conductor depicted in Figure 3.7 by items 1-4. The insulated core will be produced in FULGOR manufacturing facilities and will be verified according to FULGOR specifications (i.e. produced length, cross section, insulation thickness, DC resistance of conductor, routine voltage test, partial discharge test etc) and a report will be issued. The insulated cable core will be used for the 2 year water aging test acc Cigre TB722 of Subtask 5.3.2 / “Electrical power cable testing” and a report will be issued as described in Subtask 5.3.2. Linked to T3.2 Cable core conductor innovations.