The deliverable D5.6 (public report on gravity modelling) includes the following chapters:
1) Introduction including reviews on the potential of gravitiy to contribute to (a) the 3D geology of geothermal sites, (b) the determination of reservoir relevant parameters such as fracture porosity, and (c) monitoring processes ongoing in the reservoir
2) Geological setting of Los Humeros and Acoculco
3) Discussion on the gravity data quality including comparability of different data sets, station density for geothermal purposes, regional trend correction and topographic correction
4) Bouguer and residual anomalies of Los Humeros and Acoculco
5) Sequential Butterworth filtering of Los Humeros and Acoculco
6) Forward modelling of Los Humeros and Acoculco
7) Conclusion
The deliverable D5.6 refers to Task 5.3 Evaluation of other geophysical data and Task 5.4 Integration of methods and inversion constraints
Aim of the D5.6:
Deliverable D5.6 aims at forecasting potential new reservoir zones by analyzing the subsurface density distribution for lateral variation related to fault zones.
Indicators of success or failure:
1) Comparison of density model with results from MT and seismics
2) Comparison of density model with hydraulic yields of well in Los Humeros
3) Comparison of density model with results from the exploration well in Acoculco
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