Focus Report on climate impacts on the Energy-Food-Water nexus

In this task we focus on climate change impacts on Europe’s energy system, which might challenge the implementation of the SET-Plan. WP5 will look at changes in the water balance and thereby the access to water for power production. Simulation of such changes will be performed for different regions in Europe. This will be achieved using statistical analysis and down-scaling of future climate pathways. Possible changes in temperature and the influence on heating and cooling needs will also be assessed. Further, WP5 will carry out a desktop study on the links between the energy system and agricultural and land-use pathways as well as related emission trajectories. Land-use pathways for the EU will be identified that are consistent with the overall narratives developed in WP1. Non-energy emissions will be taken into account as well as links between water use and energy demand (e.g., water for irrigation of biofuels) resulting from these land-use pathways.