Policy briefs on Society, Consumers and Behaviour

This task will enable the better modelling of the adoption of energy efficient, innovative and novel technologies in homes and private transportation as described in the SET-Plan. Specifically, this task will collect empirically-derived stated-preference and revealed-preference data on individual actors’ technology preference, sensitivity to supply interruptions and demand flexibility. Data from a sample of countries will be used to estimate differences in preferences across the EU member states. Tools will be developed for analysing technology uptake for end-uses (e.g., discrete choice models) and to determine the key factors influencing decision. Their outputs will be used to inform the modelling in WP6 (e.g. technology specific discount rate parameters, inconvenience costs, price response) and harmonise the aggregation of the data (e.g., consumer groups) for input into the EU-wide energy system model (together with WP6).