SIMPLA guidelines - draft version 1.0

SIMPLA guidelines are developed in three subsequent versions, each updating and enhancing the previous one (version 1.0, in English month 12, in all partners’ languages, month 13 ; version 2.0, month 21 ; version 3.0, month 33). The SIMPLA guidelines address local authorities and accompany them step-by-step in the process of developing integrated, multi-sector planning tools that blend and harmonize approaches, methodologies, and solutions used in SEAPs and SUMPs. The guidelines are written jointly by the partnership in subsequent steps during the first 12 months. The SIMPLA guidelines are organized as a ‘road-map’, each stage being subsequent to the previous and preparatory for the next. The SIMPLA manifesto (D 2.2) opens the guidelines as a preface. Once the version in English is accepted an validated by all NFPs, the guidelines are translated into the languages of the six partner countries (ready by month 13) in Austria the national version of the guidelines will be an adaptation to the national context leading to a document called “Harmonization of KEMs and Mobilitätskonzepten” (see task 3.1.5).