Communication and dissemination plan and monitoring system

Two different yet complementary kinds of activities are envisaged within WP7. Throughout the duration of the project, the partnership’s effort will concentrate mainly on communication and promotion activities, thus to raise awareness and involve all the target groups identified. During the last semester in particular, PPs will collaborate to disseminate and exploit the results at the widest possible level, including beyond the project geographical boundaries. Following this twofold approach, at the starting phase of the project the WP coordinator develops a “Communication plan and monitoring system” in order to outline the strategy to follow, the role played by each partner and the tools, channels and activities’ scheduling. Another important working document, the “Plan for disseminating and exploiting the project’s results”, will also be developed: it represents a strategic document to create the conditions for further branching out of project activities and foster replication in other EU countries not directly involved in the partnership. To assess the effectiveness of the communication and dissemination initiatives and get control of progress, a monitoring procedure will be drafted and attached to the communication guidelines to be proposed by the WP leader and agreed among all project partners.