Impact of Geo-Coat application on LCOE

(Task 9.1) To demonstrate the economic impact of the Geo-Coat concept, we will perform LCOE analysis for two cases: one will be related to Icelandic perspective and the other will be based on Romanian perspective. For both the cases, we will collect technical data such as depth to drill to intersect target formation, temperature of the target formation etc. We will also collect financial data such as, local power price, tax rate, discount rate or inflation rate etc. Using these data, we will estimate the probable Capex which will be calculated considering the current approach of material selection in geothermal project development. In the LCOE estimation, we will use parameterised value of Opex in the range of 2 to 3% of the Capex. Through a three-stage approach, we will compare this LCOE with that arise from the level of Geo-Coat application for both the cases.