Virtual and physical events not under WP6 (x4). Final conference

Four virtual and physical events not under WP6 | M12-M34 Ad hoc presence in major events: Information dissemination will be organised at minimum 4 privileged opportunities, when it is possible to efficiently reach the project target groups, e.g. a stand at the European Sustainable Energy Week, a presentation at the Concerted Action EPBD, an eceee event, etc. Final conference | M35 A final conference will be organised in Brussels, to raise awareness and share the project findings at the EU level, ensuring their reproducibility and exploitation, especially work done in WP5 and 6. The main poject outcomes will be presented, including policy findings and recommendations. It will be organised at the end of the project, coinciding with the last Steering Committee meeting, and including external speakers as well as project partners. The goal would be to gather 100-150 participants, with a possible link with other relevant events, such as the EU Sustainable Energy Week, thus attracting stakeholders traveling to Brussels for the EUSEW. All partners will be involved in the agenda. The event will be summarised in a text briefing on the website; presentations will be recorded and shared via YouTube.