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Authors: Burkhalter, Marcel; id_orcid0000-0003-3017-1751; Moghtadernejad, Saviz; Hackl, Jürgen; id_orcid0000-0002-8849-5751; Concepcion, Toribio-Dia; Moli Diaz, Adrian Antonio; Martani, Claudio; Adey, Bryan T.; Jimenez Redondo, Noemi; Pardi, Livia; Di Gennaro, Federico; Robles Urquijo, Ignacio; Beltran-Hernando, Iñaki
Journal title: H2020 FORESEE project
Journal number: 2
Journal publisher: ETHZ
Published year: 2021
DOI identifier: 10.3929/ethz-b-000503443