Task 8.1 Information Gathering for iTRACK’s Sustainability [M01-M15] (INTRA, UiA, TRI)
The aim of this task is to gather information to develop strategies for better exploitation and sustainability of the project results. This will be done at national, European and global scales.
Subtask 8.1.a: Market analysis and technology foresight: we will identify and analyse the significance of trends in relation to systems related to iTRACK at European and global scales. This information will be useful to align iTRACK and the current solutions used for the support of humanitarian services. We will also gather intelligence concerning state-of-the art in research and development in the field of humani-tarian information systems. For this purpose, we will collaborate (whenever possible) with existing platforms for dissemination and interaction (through web and e-surveys and web consultations), and consult a variety of sources (government/private organisations and an overview of projects that are being funded by the EU).
Subtask 8.1.b: Relation to current practices and (public) policies: we will conduct an overview of regional, national, European and International policies in the sector, highlighting policies which are thought to ac-celerate or hinder the adoption of humanitarian tracking and monitoring solutions. This work will have an EU focus, but will also address relevant international innovations.
Subtask 8.1.c: SWOT analysis: we will use the information gathered in T7.1 to run a SWOT analysis identi-fying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing solutions. In addition, each solution will be evaluated against their accuracy, practicality, feasibility and relevance to the project scope, and short-term and long-term objectives. We expect the SWOT analysis to uncover issues such as the use of new approaches, technical policy and economic trends and potential impact of regulation.
Results in D8.1 [INTRA, M12] Market Analysis; D8.2 [INTRA, M15] Overview of Practices and Policies; D8.3 [INTRA, M15] SWOT Analysis
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