Task 3.1 Impact Assessment [M01-M10] (TRI, all WP2 partners)
In this task partners will complete a comprehensive impact assessment of the various privacy and eth-ical related risks relating to the iTRACK system, particularly the implications of monitoring people. The task will draw upon the well-developed and tested impact assessment methodology designed by TRI (e.g., via PIAF, SAPIENT and SATORI). The assessment will involve direct engagement with all iTRACK partners thereby incorporating a privacy-by-design approach to the project. The task will proceed with the following sub-tasks:
Sub-task 3.1a: Plan the timetable for the assessment: prepare a plan (inclusive of the methodology) and timetable for completion of the assessment in line with the needs of the project. Including who will par-ticipate and dates for collaborative sessions (see 2.1b below).
Sub-task 3.1b: 2 day interactive workshop for the consortium and end users. During this workshop TRI will conduct approximately 10 one-to-one interviews and 4 group interviews. The aim of these interviews will be to map the information flows; identify risks related to the system (e.g., legal, social and ethical), assess those risks according to likelihood and severity; brainstorming possible solutions to risks in order to avoid, minimise, transfer or share risks.
Sub-task 3.1c: Preliminary recommendations. Trilateral will develop a preliminary report and associated recommendations for the iTRACK system to comply with relevant ethical and privacy protocols. The findings of which will feed back into the requirements for the build in WP3.
Results in D3.1 iTRACK impact assessment and recommendations
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