SUNRISE website and Neighbourhood Dashboard

The SUNRISE website (D5.2) will serve as central communication hub. It will host the Neighbourhood Mobility Pathfinder and the Neighbourhood Dashboard. The SUNRISE dashboard will be an internet platform providing at-a-glance overviews of all previous and ongoing activities, progress and achievements in each neighbourhood, mainly to support project-internal co-learning. It will be the central navigation point to access background information, blogs, photographs, podcasts and video reports (with EN subtitles), indicators etc. about all action neighbourhoods. The dashboard will make it convenient for other neighbourhoods to learn about activities they are most interested in. SUNRISE will live up to its own approach in developing the co-learning and uptake strategy and start from an in-depth user needs assessment in order to co-develop the co-learning strategy. The dashboard will contain a secure area where SUNRISE partners can exchange on bad experiences. This will feed into the Neighbourhood Mobility pathfinder including sections on what specifically to avoid.