Dissemination plan

The Dissemination plan will describe the following Topics: • Setup, conduct and review the effect of the dissemination strategy for the different identified communities (Aviation user community, intermediate uses , data providers, downstream users) • Organize technical training and integration workshops for VAAC, NMS and 4DWxCube for developers (first workshop foreseen in M12), in close cooperation with WP2 and WP7 • Setup and maintain the project website (initial website foreseen in M1) • Organisation of a hackaton/databattle, targeted at stimulating (commercial) reuse of EUNADICS Open Data and Services (foreseen in M32). In a hackaton/databattle participants from outside the EUNADICS project are challenged to use the products from the project in new, innovative ways. KNMI has good experiences with these type of events and co-organized the RWS-KNMI Open Data battle (http://opendatabattle.nl/). The dissemination plan will provide a planning of the related activities.