Report lessons learnt

Review of lessons learnt in evaluation from previous parking and wider CIVITAS projects where access control and parking measures have been implemented Desk research will be conducted to review and critically assess the evaluation of a number of parking management or other sustainable mobility measures carried out in projects where ENU was or currently is a partner such as PUSHPULL on parking and the H2020 projects SUNRISE and PROSPERITY Evaluation reports from the PUSHPULL project will be reviewed to study the methods and indicators employed in evaluating the impact and effectiveness of a number of parking measures implemented in 8 European cities each of different size and at different stage in economic development This activity will allow the team to compare and contrast the examples from cities learn about the measures they implemented the indicators used for evaluation and the difficulties encountered during the data collection and evaluation processSome of the organisations engaged in the aforementioned projects will be part of the proposed P4SUMP new Consortium which will also allow for the gathering of insider knowledge and not just secondary source informationThe review of relevant materials from previous projects will allow partners to avoid reinventing the wheel in evaluation in PARK4SUMP but at the same time act as a brainstorming process to stimulate the development of new innovative evaluation methods using potentially big data from mobile phone data or social media for example This task will be led by ENU It will produce report D71 setting out lessons learned from evaluation in previous projects which will be complete in month 4