The objective of the Management Plan is to define the approach to be used by the Project team to deliver the intended project management scope of the project. It describes the execution, management and control of the project.
The plan is not a fixed document, but evolves during the lifespan of the project.
Important sections of the MP are the related to the management and organization of the demonstration activities, and a section related to the Scientific Plan.
At PDR (M7) the Management Plan will include a Demo Plan and the Scientific Plan.
The Demo Plan aims to organize the demonstration activities; in particular, it contains the plan for the first application in Italian Demonstration Area (DA) and the plan for the replications in the three DAs of Spain, Romania and Morocco. It will include DA characterization and outline DA-specific actions needed for DA setting-up and operation - each MOSES component will be considered by referring to existing local know-how and practices. A plan for MOSES system assess
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