City Blueprint Atlas of European citiesA publication of 100 pages to be edited in A3 format It will consist of a Preface and Forward and a description of the role of municpal governments in the issues of water as well as the methodology of the creation of City Blueprints 60 pages will be dedicated to a double page description of 30 cities On the first page there will be an overview of the City status geography and climate governmental system economy and tourism and their approach to water On the facing page there will be the completed CITY BLUEPRINT and an indepth analysis of the findingsThe 30 cities which will feature in the Atlas will beAlgarve msterdam Ankara Athens Belm Berlin Bologna Bucharest CopenhagenDar es Salaa Eindhoven Genova Hamburg Ho Chi Minh City Istanbul JerusalemKilamba Kiaxi Lyon Maastricht Malm Malta Manresa Melbourne Oslo Reggio EmiliaReykjavik Rotterdam Scotland Venlo Zaragoza
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