Equal Opportunity Plan (EOP)

This equal opportunities plan covers “actors” (employees employed by the consortium members, especially those who are working on the project, students contributing in Living Labs and other contributors working with the project, members of the executive board and Peri-Urban Living Labs (PULL) leaders, visitors and experts of the project’s events), and was adapted for the promotion of equal opportunities and for monitoring and improving the contribution of certain underprivileged groups of actors. Under the umbrella of this plan, we (researchers and actors) are also focusing on equal opportunities and ethics (see details in the ethics documents of work package 9) during our field and research works. During the project duration we are respecting the principle of equal treatment and promoting the equal opportunities taking into account gender, age, disability, family and minority aspects. Principles described here are in accordance with other documents of the work package (WP) 9 on Ethics, national and institutional legislations on equal opportunities.