Communication and Dissemination Plan

Format The communication plan will be an online document, shared by the project partners and available to all of them. The report will be written in English and will follow the identity style. Short description The communication and dissemination plan will include the objectives, target groups, instruments and messages to be communicated. The deliverable should detail: 1. Definition of the image of the project through the creation of an editorial/ graphic line, that will be used for all promotional materials. 2. Planning of training and promotional materials (brochures, posters, promotional materials, and so on), useful for the spreading and learning of the core themes of the project. Materials will be ecological, sustainable and texts will be edited in English, and when it’s necessary, in pilot areas language; 3. The format of informative panels to be placed in strategic positions of the involved locations, accessible to the public; 4. Process to make press releases, since the start of the project, concerning all relevant events (conferences, public events, meetings and so on), which will be periodically sent to local and national and international media (newspapers, TVs, radios and press agencies). 5. Publication of press releases on the Internet: specialized sites dedicated to the environment/ecology/recycling sites for third sector, partners’ and involved stakeholders’ websites; 6. Relationship of the publishes made at the newsletter, social networks, etc. The deliverable should also include a chronogram of the activities to carry out and the responsibles for each of them. It will also include the relationship of the different activities and the information flows. Objectives The communication plan aims to communicate, spread and promote the results achieved during the implementation of the project, both to the interested subjects and to a wider audience at a local and an European level that could benefit from Waste4Think experience. This deliverable will make clear the target groups and their potential benefits. Content and methodology All promotional materials should be eco-friendly and made with recycled paper. Messages should be clear and attractive and the target groups carefully identified. The communication plan will be defined at Milestone 1 and updated, in relation to the implementation of the project actions, at Milestone 2, Milestone 3, Milestone 4 and Milestone 5. Targets All the actors involved in the circular economy: industries, citizen, waste managers, public administrators, policy makers, etc. Of course, the project partners and communication managers will be the first ones to be informed about. Tasks involved All task in WP7 Relation with other deliverables D7.2 and D7.3