Preparatory Actions Report

Type: R + Other Format: (R) Technical document. Short description: Report written in English and with parts available in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Greek, with the overall progress of the pilots during the Preparatory Actions. Objectives ● To summarize the actions taken ● To assess the progress made in every pilot with respect to the baseline Content and methodology: This report will contain the following information: ○ a report describing the sensors that have being deployed at every pilot site and their location ○ a summary of the social actions carried out and their results ○ a report with the state of the technologies to be deployed at the pilot sites ○ a review in terms of the KPIs and the project baseline following the sustainability model defined in D1.3 Targets Citizen, stakeholders and project partners. Tasks involved T1.4-1.6. Relation with other deliverables Update of the baseline measured in D1.3.